Senin, 27 Maret 2017


Amelias house was in a quiet place. It was a hilly village, the garden of her house was very beautiful. Flowers with various colours grew there. Amelia grew some roses. She's a nature lover. One day Amelia closed her book. She felt tired after studying hard. She stood by the window. She could see the mountain from there. It was a beautiful bluish green.
        "How beautiful. How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of that mountain without climbing."
"If you want to fly up there, follow me," said a soft voice. Amelia was surprised. "Who are you? Why did you come in without permission?"
"My name is Yuli. My home is a bit far from here. I want to be your friend, Amelia," said the girl.
"You know my name," said Amelia.
"I often hear your mother calling you," Yuli answered. She reached out her hand to Amelia. Amelia shook Yuli's hand.
"Why is your hand so cold? Are you ill?" asked Amelia, worried.
"I haven't been to school for few days," said Yuli.
"If you were sick, why aren't you in bed now?" asked Amelia.
"The fresh air will make me better, Amelia," said Yuli pulled Amelia's hand. She wanted Amelia to follow her.
"Oh, no. I cannot go now. I must do my homework."
"Okay. How about tomorrow? My mother will make some delicious cakes for me. You must taste some, Yuli," said Amelia.
"Thanks Amelia. You are so kind." Yuli waved to Amelia and then she was gone. Amelia's mother was puzzled to see her daughter talking alone. 

14.   What does the story tell about ........
A.A mysterious girl.
B.Amelia's new friend.
C.A little girl in a village.
D.A quiet place in a village.

15.   The first paragraph is about ........
A.the dream of Amelia
B.the setting place of the story the story happened
D.the problem faced by Amelia

16.   What did Amelia want to do someday ........
A.To play with her new friend.
B.To fly up to the top of the mountain.
C.To introduce her friend to her mother.
D.To reach the top of the mountain by climbing.

17.   ' ........ make some delicious cakes for me.' 
The word 'delicious' means ........
A.bad smell
B.nice taste
C.bitter taste
D.stale flavour

18.   Which qualification must the teacher candidate have ........

19.   The word 'Required' is similar in meaning to ........A.calledB.helped

Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour to Europe. They were travelling on a guided tour to five countries. They were going to travel through The Netherland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France for two weeks.
        The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the day of the travel the guide told them to check their passports, their traveler cheques, and their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safely.
        They traveled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music, and video. The guide stopped the coach at many famous places. He explained the cultural importance of the places. They stayed in big hotels for the night and ate in the restaurants.
        On the way, they stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In big towns, they went for shopping. They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They enjoyed the two-week tour.

20.   The text is about ........

21.   Where were Mr. and Mrs. Charly touring ........

22.   The guide told them to check their immigration ........, such as passport, visa, and exit permit.

23.   What is paragraph three about ........
A.Shopping in big towns.
B.Staying in famous places.
C.Visiting interesting places.
D.Eating in big restaurants.

24.   "They enjoyed the two-week tour". 
The underlined word has the same meaning as ........ bored with pleasure from
C.became addicted to
D.planned well became amazed at

                                           QUININE HAIR TONIC
This hair tonic is processed from the leaves of the quinine tree to help stimulate hair growth. Apply evenly on scalp every morning or evening particularly on areas where hair is thinning and lightly massage.

25.   What does the text tell you about ........
A.Hair cut.
B.Hair style.
C.Hair dresser.
D.Hair treatment.

26.   What is the function of hair tonic ........
A.To make hair thin.
B.To massage scalp lightly.
C.To help stimulate hair growth.
D.To process the leaves of the quinine tree.

       A shepherd took his sheep out to pasture, but when it was time to return to the sheep pen, he found that some wild goats had become mixed up with his flock. Nonetheless, he was very pleased that the flock had grown by itself, and he closed the goats into the pen along with the sheep.
       The next day was rainy and the shepherd decided not to go out. He gave his sheep only a small handful of food, while he gave much bigger rations to the goats. He thought that if he treated them well, they would stay with him. In spite of this, as soon as the shepherd opened the gate, the goats ran out and he was unable to catch them again.
       "Ungrateful beasts," shouted the shepherd after them." I treated you better than the other!"
       "That's why we're going," answer one of the goats. "If you prefer us new animals to your sheep, how will you treat us if you find some more animals in your flock?"
       So do not be too happy if someone shows you that they prefer you to their old friends. You too will soon be an old friend and could be replaced just as easily.

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